IAM Local 1441
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Local 1441


Established on November 25, 1960, Local Lodge #1441 has represented well the cause of organized labor. Over the past 40 years,our leaders have, to the best of their ability, improved and protected the health, welfare and safety of the members of this Local Lodge. We currently represent 300+ employees at Unarco Material Handling,Inc. in Springfield, Tennessee. We produce steel storage racks used in warehousing and retail facilities. Our skilled workforce fabricates steel through a milling, forming, welding and painting process. Material handling personel control the flow process throughout the plant and warehouse. Service and quality is our goal as we deliver to our customers a union made product. Local Lodge meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Each member's support is needed at all union activities.

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Last modified: 2/23/2010

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